My Affordable Care Private Membership Agreement
The agreement between i: a man, Kyle Henson, and you: a man or woman.
The website and services offered herein is provided by i: a man; Kyle Henson, on an "as is” basis, in the private. All who use the services offered through this website or any other outlet of mine do so as a man or woman only, and do take full responsibility for said use;
i, as mankind, can speak to you as a man or woman only;
The services offered here are those of a man trusted by you for the purpose of working on your behalf for health insurance and financial assistance programs offered by the federal government;
you: a man or woman, are requesting that Kyle Henson act on your behalf to perform the following duties as it relates to your health insurance: signing an application; submitting an update or responding to a redetermination; receiving copies of notices and other communications from the Marketplace; appointing an agent of record; signing consent forms; sending revocation of consent communications to other agents; and acting on your behalf in all other matters with public agencies such as the Marketplace as necessary for your health insurance
you: a man or woman, agree to not hold Kyle Henson liable for any missing or false information on your application nor for your failure to respond to public agency requests for information; You agree and trust that i, Kyle Henson, will make changes to your health insurance plan as i sees fit, based on my knowledge.
i: a man; Kyle Henson, may have agreements with the public in order to work on your behalf. These agreements do not in any way diminish the private agreement herein between you: a man or woman, and i: a man.
The duration of this agreement will continue until notice is given by you to Kyle Henson by email at
Agreements with Public
The agreement between i: a private man, Kyle Henson, and the public person, KYLE HENSON, with the title of insurance agent identified by the National Producer Number 6054183 shall be as follows:
The 'person' KYLE HENSON shall serve the private man, Kyle Henson. Kyle Henson, the man, does not serve the public person.